Look to this Day!!... CCSS We the Best!

CCSS aims to provide high-quality online learning and teaching at all levels. Positive, friendly, and productive relationships are fostered between staff and students, and opportunities for students to develop intellectually, morally, emotionally, spiritually, imaginatively, and creatively are actively encouraged. Our goal is to support and value every single student and seek to draw from them the best of which they are capable.

The relationship between parents and the school is a vital one in ensuring that a student engages with all that the school has to offer whether that be curricular or extra-curricular. Support at home will better allow a student to develop and achieve success in this current environment.  

ONLINE LEARNING with a difference!!!


Welcome to Week ONE of our new academic year (2024-2025)

by Marva Daniel -

Good day, cardinals

School has started and we are almost done with Week 1 - what a week!

We saw so many people reaching out to give of their time, talent and treasure - awesome! We applaud the efforts of all of our benefactors, mainly past students through their association's executive and our parliamentary representative, Hon. Stephenson King.  We are indeed blessed.  Students should have more comfortable learning and recreational spaces as a result of their kindness.

As the first week ends, and you prepare to wear your House Awareness Shirts, be mindful of your belongings, your engagements with others and how you take responsibility for your studies.  Each child can learn and you will.

Be good citizens of CCSS at all times;

Ensure that you are aware of what is required of you and from you.

Ask questions, seek clarifications, be good to yourself when in doubt...

Timetables were printed with room numbers for all Form 3 students.  Please collect these at the main office.  Form 1's - we are engaging in our "Planting of a coconut tree activity" tomorrow so come prepared to help.

If you are feeling sick, please report to the main office - not to your phones.  Tell someone who you are comfortable with.  Please remember, not everyone is kind, has a kind heart, respects everyone's property - that's why some of you have lost items in your very classrooms.  Keep watch as much as possible.

See you all tomorrow!

God bless and have an awesome evening!

Best regards

Ms Marva Daniel, Principal

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