Physical Education & Sport Form 3

Physical Education & Sport is a foundation course in the field of Sport. This subject equips you with a broad spectrum of most areas of Sport (Anatomy & Physiology, Fitness and Performance, Health & Nutrition, Sport Psychology, and Sociology of Sport to name a few). Moreover, it helps to develop students' competence and confidence to participate in a range of physical activities, as well as develop a wide range of skills and ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully.

As you journey through the homestretch of your Secondary school life, I ask that you do some introspection and remember why you decided to pursue Physical Education & Sport as a CSEC subject. If sport is your passion and you would like to further studies in the field of sport, we should have a conversation because that is POSSIBLE!

Though we are beginning this journey under very unpredictable circumstances, let us do so fervently and with great optimism. Form 5 the year to thrive!

All the best students!