Chemistry Form 4

Course categoryNatural Sciences

Welcome Students!

Welcome to the exciting world of Chemistry!  A course that will give you insight into the minute details of how life as we know it, operates, from the level of the atom.

This course was designed in-keeping with the objectives that were outlined by Caribbean Examination Council in the May-June 2015 Chemistry syllabus. 

Chemistry consists of both a theoretical and practical aspect which allows students to work individually and in groups with their peers. The course will be focused on understanding the structure and behavior of matter as well as the physical and chemical properties. Students should be able to apply the principles taught, both theoretically and practically, to better understand the environment, technology and the significance of the well-being of man. 

Finally, the course is geared towards developing independent and critical thinkers that can apply investigative and problem solving skills to improve themselves, science and technology.