Study Break for Form 5 students

Study Break for Form 5 students

by Marva Daniel -
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Greetings Class of 2022

The day has arrived - your last official 'class day' before you break for your 'individual studies'.  I am certain that you are anxious about what happens next leading up to your written examination days.

Firstly, DO NOT be too ANXIOUS  -  you have been taught and given lots of opportunities to learn.  Your teachers are still available to you.  Therefore, if you have listened and followed the guidance, instructions of your teachers your anxiety level should not be high.  Please continue to communicate with your subject teachers.  Ensure that you are aware of your SBA mark. This helps to know how close to your General I you are.  If you feel abandoned, please reach out - we are all here for YOU.  

Secondly, DO NOT procrastinate - your timetables will inform you of each subject date.  Please ensure that you have an effective study guide which will help you keep on task as you prepare for EACH examination.  

Thirdly, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE - use all sources of assistance to do so :  CXC website for past papers and e-demo tests; websites such as; study guides - very good tool to assist with revision; and more recently, the Broad Topics sent by CXC.  Please group yourselves to study.  Ensure that you are adding value in your study groups.  Be selfish about your time.  Do not allow anyone or any thing derail you from your studies.

Fourthly, and importantly, EAT, EXERCISE, SLEEP and PRAY WELL....empty vessels cannot function at all!  Nourish your bodies with food and sleep....and allow the Holy Spirit to Guide you and provide you with discernment - that's how YOU WILL know WHAT TO DO and When to do it!

So, just for a little while today - have fun....enjoy your 'goodbye hour' and prepare for the last stage towards the end.

Remember, you are still a Cardinal.  Ensure that you continue to follow all of the school rules with regards to your adherence to Code of Dress and Conduct.  Read through all instructions for exams.  Don't let all of your hard preparatory work be all in vain.  Keep working hard.

Good luck to each of you

God bless you and keep you

May his face shine upon you and give you PEACE of mind, heart and body


Your School Principal

Ms M Daniel