Reminders - Please keep on task (Some deadlines are NOW and this WEEK)

Reminders - Please keep on task (Some deadlines are NOW and this WEEK)

by Marva Daniel -

Good day students

I do hope that the week has been good thus far!  I also hope that you enjoyed the RK Session this morning.

Today, I need you to answer the following ...


Good day students

I do hope that the week has been good thus far!  I also hope that you enjoyed the RK Session this morning.

Today, I need you to answer the following questions for YOURSELF.  This will ensure that you definitely know what is expected of each one of you.  The MOODLE pages show how you engage on the learning platform.  I hope that you are aware of that.  Please remain focused and keep on task!

1. Do you know how to access all your courses?

2. Are you aware of the assignments for each of your subjects?

3. Are you aware of ALL your deadlines?

4.  Do you know how to reach your subject teachers IF you encounter any difficulties? 

5.  Are you satisfied with your engagements for school?

6.  Are you aiming to pass ALL your subjects this term?

7.  Do you believe that you are doing much better than last term?

8.  Are you satisfied with the quantity of work or the volume of work that you are currently given?

I would love to receive emails showing me your responses but I encourage ONLY those who answered NO to any question to send me an email at   I would love to know that you answered YES to all the questions.  

Finally, remember that midterm assessments are soon - keep focused, keep engaged.

Now that we have almost made it to one month of instruction for this term, we will be 'touching base' with your parents during the coming week to briefly engage with them about some of our observations, re: your engagements, your submission of work and your deadlines.  Links will be shared soon.  Please note that in addition to the above Folders - Home, Dashboard and Help, we have included ROSTER which is the school's instruction Roster - February's Roster is displayed.

Have fun and hope that you are registering for the Independence activities, e.g.

- tic toc challenges

- mask competition

Lots of attractive prizes to be won.

Best regards

Your Principal